Week 4 - MBA 6101 - Surfing the Tsunami

AI is something that has become a part of our daily lives in some shape or form. The easiest place we can see AI is within our smartphones. Siri or Google Assistant are, at some levels, AI that allow the user to speak specific commands and have the phone do it for them. However, Kelsey poses an interesting regarding this: Who is in control? You or your smartphone? (Kelsey, pg. 78, 2018) This crippling question is a very easy answer for most of society today: The smartphone is in control, no matter what one may believe. To combat this, it is important to create and set habits that will not only limit the usage, but also develop ones that will use AI to one’s benefit. 

Siri's voice to benefit from machine learning improvements in Apple's iOS  10 | AppleInsider

In a simple habit, one can organize their notes to breakdown grocery lists, to-do items, future actions, important notes, etc. in a way that will improve productivity. Using your smartphone, one can use AI by asking it to add anything to these notes or to their calendar without needing to touch their phone. I, personally, enjoy using the reminders app on the iPhone as I can setup recurring reminders that I may need to remember on a weekly basis. The reminder is alerted at my time of choosing and allows me to stay on top of all my tasks for the day. After consecutive similar actions, the iPhone has machine learning and recognizes the user’s behavior and can act prior to the user taking them. 


Kelsey, T. (2018). Surfing the tsunami. Todd Kelsey.
